So what we want to do is make sure that you can share in the success because everyone contributes towards the success of our business. I know that's shocking, isn't it? But our developers, most of our QA team, most of our admin team are not on Salesforce. Now, the reason we do that is, the reality is we don't have all our staff on Salesforce. So some of the use cases you might want to consider is, at Provar when we have a deal, when we have a new customer signed up or a renewal, we like to notify the whole company. I've got to get her project and I've got a Salesforce DX unlocked package, which you can install if you wanna use the examples I showed today, or please write your own. All the code examples, the process builder, everything I use is available at the end of the talk.

And we should see everything working before the end of the talk. I mainly spend the time doing a one-take walk-through on live coding, the clarity of a configuration, and then hopefully testing. We're then going to look at the solution overview. So, some of the possible use cases - you might want to do this - I'm going to talk about first. And today I want to talk to you about integrating Slack with your Salesforce, something that we've done for our own company at Provar. We're the number one test automation software for Salesforce. I work for a company called Provar Testing. Any Salesforce user hoping to take communication to the next level in their organization will find this discussion invaluable. The discussion finishes with a Q&A that focuses on additional features, common issues, and security concerns. This allows anyone who wants to integrate these two tools to have their first executable code within half an hour. Each step builds upon the previous information, and by the end of the discussion, viewers will see the final product created through the process. This tutorial delves into many common situations where Slack could improve productivity and communication. The talk is heavily developer-focused, but it’s presented in a manner that allows for simple understanding. With a step-by-step demo, he provides straightforward and visual guidance for sending Slack messages through Salesforce.

In this 30-minute presentation, the CTO of Provar Testing, Richard Clark, discusses the many benefits of integrating Slack with Salesforce and explains how to properly do so. Slack Hack Your Salesforce - Integrating Slack with Salesforce