
What is google chrome helper
What is google chrome helper

Then join the Chrome menu, go to “Preferences,” go all the way down in the menu, and click on “Show advanced settings…” The first thing in the expanded advanced settings list will be “Privacy,” and then click on the “Content Settings” button right under that. They will need to first, shut down all their Chrome windows without quitting the program. Therefore, users will have to dig a couple of levels deep into their Chrome settings. Deactivating it isn’t entirely fruitful, though there’s no mention of the Helper outside of the user’s Activity Monitor and forum complaints. They’ll just have to opt in to view plug-in content on a case-by-case basis. Nevertheless, disabling Helper’s auto-helping is easy, and it won’t stop users from using plug-ins. Google Chrome Helper can be termed as a martyr. In many cases, the plug-ins and processes that are being handled aren’t listed by name because the APIs don’t allow it.

what is google chrome helper

The “Google Chrome Helper” is essentially the interface between the embed code in the browser and a remote server, and it is set to run automatically with Chrome’s default settings. The Browser plug-ins aren’t features that are rendered by HTML code they only involve content that needs to be pulled in from elsewhere. “Google Chrome Helper” is the name for embedded content that runs outside the browser. There’s a lengthy list of the plug-ins supported by Chrome, but most users in the Help Center forums seem to run into trouble when it’s working with Flash content.

what is google chrome helper

It tends to spiral out of control when there’s a rogue extension or when Google Chrome’s plug-in settings are configured in such a way to run everything by default. The gist of it is that Google Chrome Helper isn’t really the problem. This begs the question What is this Google Chrome helper, and what is it “helping” with? The Chrome FAQ doesn’t resolve the issue either.

what is google chrome helper

The Google Chrome Help Center doesn’t explain what it is or what it does, although plenty of users can be found complaining about it there. If users use a Personal Computer (PC) and Google’s Chrome browser, then they may occasionally be haunted by a menace that goes by the name of “Google Chrome Helper.” They’ll find this mysterious being lurking in the Activity Monitor menu sometimes hanging out in packs of seven, eating up the CPU cycles and system memory, resulting in deafening noise from the PC’s fan. However, it is a well-known fact that Google Chrome Helper hogs up on the CPU cycles. Google Chrome helper is the interface bridge that allows external plug-ins to work on a user’s browser.

What is google chrome helper